Ldn Dares Drama Co.

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It’s a new year and we’re sure by now your social media feeds are filled with pledges of #newyearnewme or resolutions about how people are planning to change themselves. But why? Why do we feel like the start of a new year means we have to alter ourselves, what’s wrong with who we were in 2020? If anything last year is a year to be proud of. To say 2020 was a tough year would be a bit of an understatement – but you’re here and you’re getting through it. And that’s something to be proud of.

So, in light of this let’s put a stop to this pressure to change ourselves to be someone better. Because who decides what better is? Let’s take a new approach together, let’s walk into 2021 with our heads held high. Let’s say #newyearsameyou.

You know why? Because you, yes YOU, are absolutely extraordinary just the way you are. Not slimmer, not smarter, not taller, not prettier, not ‘normal’... not anything! Nothing about you needs to change. All that needs to happen is for you to believe in yourself and to have confidence in yourself and in your body. We often have different perceptions of ourselves to how those around us, see us, and a compulsion to be liked. But that isn’t what will make you happy, being comfortable in your own skin to achieve what you want to in life is what will.

So let’s take some steps together to help you start that journey. These aren’t resolutions, let’s not put a label on them, that would add pressure – these are inspirational actions you can take when you feel necessary to help bring out that confidence we know is inside you somewhere.

Get yourself in front of a mirror (full length if you have one) and tell yourself five things you like about your appearance. Avoid phrases such as ‘I like my blouse’ by relating it back your physicality, for examples, ‘I like how the colour of my blouse bring out the natural rosiness in my cheeks’. Oh and make sure you say tell yourself these OUT LOUD. You may feel a bit silly to begin with, but it will get easier. If naming five things sounds a little easy, why not trying ten things.

Get yourself outside more – at least once a day if possible. We don’t necessarily mean go for a run (although if you’d like to we are certainly not saying don’t), but get some fresh air and open up your lungs. We’ve had a long year of being cooped up inside, let’s make the most of time outdoors. Run, jog, skip (this is bound to bring a spring to your step) or walk, it’s your choice – but get your body active and those endorphins flowing. Wherever possible, try to make sure you get outside during daylight hours, the sun will naturally lift your mood.

Avoid negative reinforcement of unrealistic body perceptions. Have a social media cleanse and unfollow those accounts that make you feel rubbish about yourself and replace them with positive influences such as @i_weigh, @positivelypresent and @fiveminutejournal. Better still, why not unplug for a few days completely and have a break from your social media channels. It’ll give you a chance to clear your head and focus on yourself. You can see more about the impacts of social media in our Body Image ‘Hot Topics’ series.

If you’re feeling extra daring, you can get in touch to enrol onto our Dare Sessions workshop. Over 12 weeks we’ll help you start your journey to body confidence through the use of drama and dares. If you’re not quite ready for this, we’re also hosting our Dare Yourself Confident and Nurture a Positive Body Image webinar in both January and February. You can find out more information here.

Finally don’t worry if you still need the odd pyjama day. If you’re having a bit of a down day, that’s okay. If you just need a day for your body to recover, however it is you do that, then let yourself – listen to your body. But most of all do not feel pressured in any way to be anyone other than yourself, you are FABULOUS exactly as you are.

Written by Ldn Dares Artistic Director and Body Confidence Coach Ursula Joy