A bespoke training session delivered for your team. Book Ldn Dares to come and deliver body image awareness and confidence training in your workplace or educational centre.
The session can be run as an information session or as a practical workshop.
Training sessions are tailored to suit the organisation’s requirements - the below list is a basic guide. The facilitators are not only body confidence professionals with over 8 years experience, but qualified coaches, drama practitioners, teachers and survivors of personal body confidence challenges with stories to share and inspire.
We run training sessions for:
Corporate organisations
Teams in the workplace
Community settings
Community psychology training and festivals
Charities and third sector
The vibrant and informative session includes information on:
What is body confidence and body image?
The importance of body confidence and body image
How this relates to you, your clients or your children
How to practically support each other’s body confidence and self-esteem in the workplace, with your family and in the community
The Ldn Dares story
Explore media and learn body image facts
Tools, tips and tricks to take away to continue the body confidence journey
Monday – Fridays
Morning or afternoon
At your organisation or chosen venue
Minimum 10 attendees
Estimate: £495 + room rental
The session duration ranges from a minimum of two hours to half day to fit with your organisation.
Complete the form below for an accurate quote and further information.