The ultimate self-development course in the field of self-confidence and body confidence. It is suited to those would like to work on building a healthy self-esteem and positive body image. This course is designed for individuals who might be struggling with worries or anxiety and would like to use the huge benefits of acting and performance as tools for self-development and overcoming feelings of inadequacy. Uniquely, all course facilitators have lived experience, and the learning environment is friendly, supportive, and inspiring.
12 sessions with a show! Classes and performance in London
On this course acting and performance skills are utilised for confidence, body confidence, expression, sharing, exploration of the self, community and individual resourcefulness, discovery of creative purpose, self-care, life direction and overcoming challenges. The sessions teach and hone tools that tap away at insecurities, bring out confidence and inspire love of the body in a celebratory, innovative and inspiring way. We achieve this through drama and dares. The course concludes with a showcase performance of devised creative work.
All the skills taught are transferrable and effective in everyday living and can be drawn upon throughout life.
Ldn Dares run dedicated LGBTQIA+ Dare Sessions which follow a similar 12 week format and learning structure.
The sessions are DELIVERed by:
Body confidence and wellness coach (MIBCC Accredited) Ursula Joy leads the programme. Ursula has a BA (Hons) FIRST in Theatre and Performance Practice, and certified applied neuro-science in coaching training alongside 10 years experience supporting people to increase their confidence.
Sessions are structured on the ‘Dare Yourself Confident: Body Expert Pathway’ model (below).
To be confident, step into your power, and create positive change through body confidence; improved mental health, and wellbeing.
What participants get:
36 hours of workshops (3 hours per week over 12 weeks)
Feedback and support from the Ldn Dares team
12+ Dares that challenge, inform and inspire
A minimum of 30 tools and techniques for building confidence of the self and body
Hand-outs, worksheets, certificates, personalised ‘Dare Letters’ and cards
The course benefits:
Confidence development and improved relationships
Improved love and respect for your body
Ability to make change happen in your life and maintain it
Arousal of curiosity and social interaction
Empowerment to start living your life as your authentic self
Clarity, focus, direction and increased energy levels
Creative, team, and performance skills
Ways to switch up your mood and lose yourself in the moment
Ability to self-reflect and to take action
Education in the topics of body image and confidence
Discover your strengths and what makes you unique
Monday – Saturday
Morning, afternoon or evening
Group dependant
10 - 25 participants
Estimate £16 per hour per head*
*Complete the form below for an accurate quote
Get in touch if you would like to book the Dare Session workshops for your organisation. Bookings for groups are tailored to suit particular needs following a consultation. We run the Dare Sessions for all sections of the community.
The course objectives:
Using acting and performance as the tools to increase body confidence and self-esteem you will:
Understand how to act, look, feel, and be, confident
Discover your unique skills and strengths through yourself, others, and performance
Express and assert yourself through vocal work, text-based approach, creative challenges and movement.
Share ideas through exploration of coaching questions and supportive network of like-minded people.
Investigate your inner ‘gremlin’ voice and practice moving past this to achieve your goals
Use body confidence coaching tools to delve deep to understand what makes up our body confidence
Work through barriers to living with a neutral or positive body image
Challenge unrealistic beauty standards and focus on our locus of control
Learn techniques to switch-up mood and work through anxiety & challenging emotions
Create and play with characters that release different aspects of ourselves
Cultivate awareness of your physical expression and explore movement your body can do
Gain insight and knowledge through discussion and sharing with peers and facilitator team
Devise original work: making your idea happen
Create and perform a personal ‘act’ to an invited audience as part of a celebratory showcase
Master the Dare mentality, to challenge yourself every day and work outside of your comfort zone
This course is designed to be for all shapes, sizes, and fitness levels. There is optional homework and an expectation to do some planning and practice on your act at home between the final course weeks. If you prefer not to perform in the showcase, you can take one of the various roles available in the production team.
what darers (participants) need:
Be ready and open to try new things
Willing to work as a group as well as on your own
Give and receive positive constructive feedback (support will also be provided with this)
To take time to reflect on the process and yourself.
Clothes you can move about freely in and comfortable flat shoes/trainers
additional course info:
We do not offer advice or solutions, the learning is at the hands of individuals, and we have a coaching-based approach as we support the development of ‘resourceful mindsets’, to gain clarity, new perspective, and to get ‘unstuck’.
It is suited to individuals who are serious about getting body confident and moving through anxiety and worries to shape their future.
To monitor the impact of our programmes we carry out questionnaires at the beginning and end of the process and obtain regular feedback. This ensures our course remains current, meets the needs of diverse groups, and that the benefits are long-lasting. We invite all participants to take part; though they can opt out.