DARE to be kind on World Kindness Day

‘Kindness is the quality of being gentle, caring, and helpful [1].’
- Collins Dictionary

There may be some superstition around Friday 13th, however on this occasion it marks something more. Today (Friday 13th November) marks KindnessDayUK and on a larger, more international scale, World Kindness Day. The aim of KindnessDayUK is to ‘increase the value of kindness in society as well as increase the amount of kind acts that take place nationwide, making kindness a greater part day to day life [2].’ Kindness doesn’t have to be about buying flowers and gifts (although we’re not saying don’t do this), but words can be equally effective, if not more so. Kindness doesn’t need to have a cost; but we promise the feeling from spreading it is a worthwhile reward – a simple ‘I like your top’ can go a long way in lifting someone’s self-esteem.


But how can we be kinder to not just other people, but ourselves too? We often forget and let something so small yet so powerful pass us by, now more than ever with the newfound pressures of everyday life. Over recent months we’ve seen just how essential it is for communities to pull together to help one another – why not carry these acts of kindness through into other aspects of life?

We live in a world of ideals and goals for who we are ‘supposed’ to be and often neglect just how diverse and beautiful our bodies are and what they are capable of. Yet all too often we are aware of the negative emotions and feelings people have towards their bodies and image, and just how much this can weigh an individual down – well, we want to change this.

So today, to mark the occasion we want to DARE you to spread kindness in a bid to empower people wherever they are and whatever body they reside in. We’ve pulled together some ideas which may help you along the way:  

Express Empathy 

Always carry empathy in your heart; we never know what someone is going through or has been through. As humans, we are either living in a state of love or fear. Whoever they are and whatever their story, listen and understand how they are feeling in that moment and respond accordingly.

Compliment your body - YES YOURS!

Such a simple act - but is it? It can be the hardest thing to identify and vocalise something we like about ourselves. Yet in a world where putting ourselves down in order to build others up around us is the norm, you can choose to buck the trend and lead the way by giving permission through your words for others to speak about themselves kindly.  

Appropriate compliments 

Everyone loves a compliment when it is delivered at the right time, in the right way; it can cheer us up and is an act of kindness that is best delivered in a specific way. Try something like ‘I love your top, the pattern is so stylish and the colour sets off your eyes’. 

In terms of body image and compliments, do tread on the side of caution and consider checking in to ask permission to give a compliment. For example ‘is it ok if I give you a compliment?’ This way the person can decide for themselves. We don't know what might be a trigger for some people, so something you think of as a compliment might touch on something sensitive for the receiver. This isn't something you can always plan for and isn't a reason not to give compliments, but just be aware of. If you’re interested in this topic keep an eye out for our video on compliments which will be going live on our social channels this coming Wednesday (18th November).

Post a diverse body positive post

You can help people feel more accepted in the skin they are in by sharing content that celebrates all shapes, sizes, ages, and fitness levels. Alternatively you could try a post or video that educates or inspires – we’ve been doing this in our Body Image Hot Topic series.

Connect with others

Research indicates that the more we move our bodies the happier we are in them. Why not try suggesting a Zoom dance session with your friend, or a socially distanced walk in the park. Dare yourself to try that online dance class you've wanted to but have put off for a while, but don't beat yourself up if you don't! 

Amidst all of this remember we are in the middle of a pandemic so give your body (and mind) permission to rest and relax.  Whatever you do, or don't do, doesn't affect your worth. But if there's something that might cheer you up, there'd be worse ideas than to show kindness to others bodies, and yours. Give it a go – put a smile on someone’s face and make their day – tell us just how great it is!


  1. https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/kindness

  2. http://kindnessuk.com/aboutus.php