Put your 'ELF first (see what we did there?)

With the holiday season fast approaching we often get carried away with the festivities. We get waylaid with finding the perfect gifts for our loved ones or decorating our homes to the point where we can’t find a spare plug socket. It’s apparent that this year, more than ever, people are determined to put on a show – to take the small window in which we’re allowed to truly celebrate being together and relish the company we have so dearly missed.

But all of this comes at a price... Very often we become so blinkered by the excitement, or about making other people happy that we forget about, quite possibly, the most important person of all. Ourselves. Yep – that’s right, you. By no means are we saying drop everything – stop what you’re doing – and to can any plans you may have; but what we are saying is to find that balance. 

We all have the superpower of decision-making and with each second that passes we can make a decision to take action for ourselves and for our bodies. It’s not uncommon for people to struggle with this, it almost seems to go against our human nature – our innate inhibition to care for others. It may feel a little odd to begin with but once you start making time to put yourself first every so often, you’ll soon start to love it.


Here are some decisions you could opt to take this festive season:

  1. Appreciate all your body can do for you. Dare yourself to sit down and write a list of 50 (yes, 50) things that your body does for you that you appreciate. It might feel tricky in the beginning but we are sure that you’ll soon find your flow.

    This may include things such as ‘I like that I can enjoy a big belly laugh in front of the television at Christmas’ (who doesn’t find Elf funny?!), or maybe ‘I love that my hands can mix up the ingredients to the most delicious Christmas cake’, or ‘I appreciate how I feel warm and content when I snuggle in a big winter blanket after a long day at work’.

  2. Become a critical viewer of social media messages, or turn them off completely. Give yourself a break, you’re allowed to make that decision.

  3. Do something nice for yourself, take that long bath with the luscious bath salts, stretch your body, try something new or turn up your favourite festive song and DANCE!

  4. Shut down those voices in your head that tell you your body is ‘not right’, that you’re a ‘bad person’ or that you’re ‘unable to cope’ over the holiday period. Some ways of doing this include writing down the negative thoughts – then ripping them up and putting them in the bin. Not for you? How about imagining Santa dropping off a new positive thought in its place and Rudolph jetting away through the sky taking your negative thoughts with him.

  5. Use the time and energy you might have spent worrying about food, calories and your weight to do something to help others. There are loads of volunteer posts around the festive period, like at Shelter, which can take you out of your environment and help support others – you won’t regret it.

  6. Get creative, we recommend making yourself a body confidence stocking and hanging it by your chimney or mantel piece. This could also make a great gift for loved ones. How about filling your stocking with:

Give it a go. Not sure these are quite right for you? No worries, there’s plenty more things out there you can try but just be sure of one thing. Make sure you put your ’elf first.

Written by Ldn Dares Artistic Director and Body Confidence Coach Ursula Joy