With June being Pride Month, we wanted to do something a little different to celebrate. So, to mark the occasion we asked Ica Niemz, a previous service user and now Facilitator at Ldn Dares, to write a guest blog for us about how we can make drama spaces more accessible for the LGBTQIA+ community. Over to you Ica…
The Healing Powers of Nature
Regaining Connectivity, Certainty and Control of Your Body
Body Image Across the Globe
Self-Lovin' this V-Day
Featured | The Collaborative
What a way to start the New Year; our CEO Ursula Joy had the pleasure of speaking with Lambeth’s The Collaborative and has been featured in their recent article.
How to help those struggling with body confidence during the holidays
We‘ve previously spoken about how you can take time to put yourself first over the festive period. But sometimes you aren’t necessarily the one under fire. Sometimes you are witness to someone else’s discomfort; whether it be the questions, the large numbers of people or even having to eat with company. There could be numerous reasons as to why someone is struggling and you may be unsure on how best to help without worsening the situation.
Put your 'ELF first (see what we did there?)
Community Bridges X Ldn Dares TAKEOVER
Often our inhibitions hold us back – sometimes to the point in which we are prevented from going about our everyday life or achieving our goals. Well, we are believers in ‘practice what you preach’ and so we jumped (albeit slightly nervously) at the chance to speak with Community Bridges on their weekly podcast.
DARE to be kind on World Kindness Day
How can we be kinder to not just other people, but ourselves too? We often forget and let something so small yet so powerful pass us by, now more than ever with the newfound pressures of everyday life. Over recent months we’ve seen just how essential it is for communities to pull together to help one another – why not carry these acts of kindness through into other aspects of life?